Whether addressing healthcare solutions or education or economic opportunities, youth are amongst our best educated, most innovative, and most creative resource. Theirs is a generation willing to take risks and employ innovation UN GA President #Youth2030 #SDGs#GlobalGoals
Whether addressing healthcare solutions or education or economic opportunities, youth are amongst our best educated, most innovative, and most creative resource. Theirs is a generation willing to take risks and employ innovation UN GA President #Youth2030 #SDGs#GlobalGoals
Our #Youth2030 message to young people:
"Join us. Sign up. Volunteer. Vote. Be part of the solution. We need you as partners and leaders."
– @AntonioGuterres to @UNYouthEnvoy, @UNICEF supporters @BTS_twt & @IISuperwomanII + Youth at #UNGA on Monday.
Το Φόρουμ Νεολαίας της UNCTAD 2018 θα λάβει χώρα από τις 22 έως τις 26 Οκτωβρίου!
Το θέμα του τρέχοντος έτους είναι η «Νεανική Επιχειρηματικότητα: Μια Δύναμη προς μια Περιεκτική και Βιώσιμη Ανάπτυξη».
Συμμετοχή τώρα! ▶ ️ https://bit.ly/2NZLvKC