Τετάρτη 22 Φεβρουαρίου 2017

Inspiring stories!

Inspiring stories! RecycleMe is a Mobile App in Paraguay created by Julio Guimaraes and Jimmy Villaverde Emategui that aims to use Sharing Economy to encourage recycling. Currently, the city of Asuncion has more than two million inhabitants with an average of 800 tonnes of garbage generated at home. And up to 45% of these wastes are recyclable. The idea behind the app is to connect people who want to recycle with each other- this includes recycling companies, educational institutions or foundations- all from the comfort of your smartphones! The creators want to eventually build a global platform where people can do sustainable business using this App.
Want to know more? Check this out (link in Spanish): http://bit.ly/2eH9JLV
The developers are part of the five winners of the 2nd edition of the contest “Estamos Comprometidos”, an initiative led by UNESCOAshoka ChangemakersSocialab and Koga Impact Lab, which aims to encourage creative and innovative projects by youth that contribute to reach Sustainable Development. Learn more about it here (link in Spanish): http://bit.ly/1fiRE2J

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