Τρίτη 30 Οκτωβρίου 2018

“Youth as Drivers for Change in the Mediterranean” PANEL

REGISTER NOW! “Youth as Drivers for Change in the Mediterranean” PANEL

The Center for Mediterranean Integration invites you to the discussion panel “Youth as Drivers for Change in the Mediterranean”. The panel will feature youth and expert opinions on education, employment, and skills enhancement and will explore ways for better-integrating youth in the region. Discussions will highlight innovative practices and emphasize the link between education - in a broad sense - and employability to enable young people to become agents for change.

Young people from the Mediterranean face a threefold exclusion on the economic, social and political levels, preventing them from achieving fulfillment in working life and in the public sphere. 300 million young people will enter the labor market in the Middle East and North Africa region by the year 2050. It is imperative to support these young people in accomplishing their aspirations by investing - qualitatively - in the human capital that this youth represent and to turn this demographic opportunity into an engine for growth in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

Co-organized by: 
In the context of: 
Online registration: Link
Follow the discussion on Twitter: @cmimarseille #ChangeIsYouth
Participants’ travel and accommodation fees are not covered by the organizers.

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