People are more distressed 馃く due to immediate health impacts of COVID-19, including:
☹️ Physical/social isolation
☹️ Fear of contagion
馃檨 Loss of family members
馃檨 Unemployment
☹️ Fear of contagion
馃檨 Loss of family members
馃檨 Unemployment
The 馃寧馃實馃審 needs to urgently increase investment in services for mental health to prevent a massive increase in mental health conditions.
螖蔚谓 蠀蟺维蟻蠂慰蠀谓 蟽蠂蠈位喂伪:
螖畏渭慰蟽委蔚蠀蟽畏 蟽蠂慰位委慰蠀