Πέμπτη 16 Μαρτίου 2017

YOUTH AT THE HEART OF THE SDGS:​ mPhoto competition: 15 March-5 May, 2017

The #Case4Space photo competition is aimed at raising awareness and advocating for civic space in Asia-Pacific through photography.
Lasting for 8 weeks, the competition will release a weekly question that relates to one of the Case for Space themes.
Who: Young people living in Asia and the Pacific (age: 18-29).
What: Every week, share a photo on Facebook or Instagram, using the #Case4SpaceInsta hashtag. The photo MUST answer the question of the week and include a maximum 50-word caption describing the scene, image and/or issue. To be eligible to win a trip to Bangkok, to present your photo, you MUST participate in all the themes listed below. The photos will be left to the creativity of the photographer, but should attempt to answer the following questions:
Week 1: Freedom of expression, association and assembly
Within the context of your community, what does freedom (online/offline) mean to you? – Online and Offline freedoms
#Case4SpaceInsta #SDGs #GlobalGoals #Youth2030

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